Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Trembling Delhi there's an earthquake....screamed Golu...or rather get a cameraman to shoot it first he exclaimed...even as i wondered if it werent currents generated by his running across the slim flooring, others stood by watching a camera man zoom into an array of Television sets hoping against hope of catching a shot that could be played out during the next bulletin...another madame was running for her life even as she screamed out into the mobile that she was but trying to save her precious life....(beautiful might have been the exact words she used) and others watched in sheer mirth this replay of events past....

its funny but in the close to 7 years i have been in delhi...none of these earthly activities have managed to ruffle my feathers and i mean that literally too....only reiterating my belief that i was not meant to be on this planet or even lightyears near it...

but having caught your attention....

i watch in muted exasperation as my colleague gears up to make public his innate capabilites for fame...some people indulge in absolutely breathtaking and stupefying journalism.... OH MY GOD...(exactly like Janice of friends fame would have intoned making you want to clutch at your balls...oops whatever substitute a woman can find too....) and what did sir do...he went looking for men who are technically in hiding...and did a piece which smacked of self love more than investigation and then tried out his language skills while his ruffled hair and stupid countenance made you want to break every goddamn tv set in the vicinity....well having watched that i am beginning to look at this profession in a new yellow light...not good considering i was seriously hoping to make my career out of it...but these nuggets which for sure will be thrown back at you by nincompoops who think they have the qualification and mettle to be your boss only make me realise maybe my childish longing to be a valet may have been much more honourable and satisfying....

but then why am i crying in vain when basically what is frankly hurting me is not that he tarnished the name of serious journalism but that my boss has flipped over it ahd now he will get a raise due me....funny ways this universe operates in....

but the only constant seems to be my list of irreversible hatred...and the constant additions to it over the years..have i eliminated any so far???? naay have found even more satisfying ways of getting back...

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