Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Never Take Your Competition Lightly!!!

what if its not competition at all?

(before I go on maybe I should admit that I am obsessed with OH MY GOD and that too Janice style though till date I have never considered her worthy of even being acknowledged....she is irritating to say the least...but before I get sidetracked)

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!

that man was supposed to be god...the ultimate boss...the one you would give a leg and an arm and some more to work with...

and what has he but done...and that too why did it take so much money to put out something that crappy?

what is that channel? CNN-IBN they call it....their ticker band is nothing but a mish-mash of inane colours....the logo is nothing but CNN (pssst why add those little three letters when frankly nobody will get beyond CNN) and the same signature (if they can actually be called that) tunes and a bad set, bad colours (confused between yellow, orange and red and something else) and a desperate attempt to look different even in the promos which make you want to cry and even rethink your former adulation of his journalistic skills...and silly babes trying to ape Ayesha Faridi's Get a Life!, though I cant stand that woman too..she is Good eye candy and to give her some credit has made that part look nice....this one has silly women who cant spell entertainment straight or even maybe top it all...I think its an attempt to make it personalised and making them reach out and not look so clinical and cut off from real life...blogs by the protagonists on the channel's website....

GOD the expectations alone would have gotten the man the entire market...and this...

but what beats me is this...why does one person expose his weaknesses on air...on a soft launch you never expose the shortcomings of your channel and yet that is what they do...with this chirpy bespectacled man, one mr aiyar who is so happy to be on air in the middle of the night and makes an overt attempt to wake u and make you watch the tv screen touting a dog running on a treadmill as enticement making you search for a smelly shoe to shove up his arse!!!!


okie I am angry, disappointed that he let me down and now I shall refrain from mouthing even more foul stuff....

have to maintain some decorum in public domain....

shouldn't I?

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