Friday, January 04, 2008

This or That?

The Rig Veda says, “When there is harmony between the mind, heart and your determination, nothing is impossible.”

Now my question: for someone as confused and vacillating as me, harmony seems as unattainable as utopia. So then how do we make the impossible, possible?

I am perpetually torn between two extremes. Why I wonder? Is it because those two divergent choices really exist in my little world? Or because I would like to delude myself that though the available option is not as pleasant as I would like it to be, there is this nook in my little brain I can run away to hide in.

The choices stump me at times. Yet I pretend I am conquering something, a temptation, a lesser option, a similar not up to the mark opportunity in favour of this so-called wise and well-informed decision. Only to rant in a few months at best a few hours.

If varied options merely lead to confusion and discontent in hindsight, why not do away with them?

But then how will I console myself that I got the better deal, unless there is something to pip in favour of it?

Life’s choices have me confused.

But that is my silly high.

I refuse to let it go.

1 comment:

dharmabum said...

yes, the apparent existence of choices is what makes life confusing and interesting at the same time.

to me, it depends on how one looks at it - to me, well i tend to think that it is the choice, that chooses me, not the other way.