Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Hail Me????!!!

Its funny how at times you can sit across the table from you and watch in absolute stillness as life unfolds. Those moments of absolute incoherence or rationality…I detest with absoluteness. It makes me wonder at me, my madness, my reasons for survival….

I have wondered umpteen times if this was really the way things had to shape up…if I had given in to those demented pangs would the world have been a better place minus one mental wreck?

But then again the drama that unfolds in my wake has been nonetheless interesting….and now as I once again decide to sit and watch this little plump soul type into the night as if her life depended upon it, I can but smile…

The journey has been frightening, amusing, debilitating and what not…but now I realize I wouldn’t trade places for anything in the world…

Hail my madness…hail my life….

Hail me!

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