Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Al Pacino's Inch By Inch speech from Any Given Sunday

"......You know when you get old in life
things get taken from you.
That's, that's part of life.
you only learn that when you start losing stuff.
You find out that life is just a game of inches.
So is football......"

Cliched did you say? Did I hear lack of things to write...?

Many a time this has been sent to me in the form of a forward. (yet again today and hence this post....)

I saw this on a cold winter night in Delhi at the Russian Cultural Centre while I was still studying in JNU.

And the memories I have of this movie are many….

1. Me and my then boyfriend were great fans of Oliver Stone. So we pulled a friend along in the hope of igniting in him some love for good cinema. He watched while munching on something right next to my ear and at the end of it all...he looked at us and all he had to say was..."What was that movie all about? I didn't understand a word of it!"

2. We wanted to get back to our respective hostels. We were on a deserted street looking for an auto and none seemed interested in us and the dark was making me jittery...and to add to my woes the fog was closing in.

3. There was this bunch of girls who had been sitting across us watching the movie. There was one PYT amongst them and for some reason our "friend" decided that the first auto should be relinquished in their favour since they were "girls and pretty too!"

We finally boarded one close to 90 minutes after we had trooped out of the viewing hall.....

I detest one of those two men at this stage in my life....the other sends me perfunctory hello notes in between....

Anyhow if you want to read it all over again.........$1492

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