"Just because someone doesn't love you as you wish, it doesn't mean you are not loved with all his/her being." Gabriel Garcia Marquez
This has me knotted up. I have been trying to figure out what it means to be loved by someone. And when that does not match the depth and form of what you perceive should be the manner in which you are loved, does that take away from what someone feels for you? Does it belittle that emotion in any fashion not to conform to your norms?
In a manner yes, for then you are forever displeased with it and therefore the end result is undue sorrow and hurt for both parties involved. But that is also unfair in a sense someone argues. For there is no single way to being loved. Everyone loves in their own manner and fashion. And to judge any one to be wrong or right is silly for what you fathom might seem equally inane to the opposite party.
For some the silent method works wonderfully well. For some one odd whisper. For some others it has to be dotted with romantic interludes and extravagances. To some others its mere display of affection and completely public love. There is also the OTT kind. Then there is the intellectual kind. The sad kinds, the moody kinds, the musical kinds, and so on....
To me it has to be a mix of one and all depending on my mood. And when gauged right I am the most pleasant and pleased partner. When not, I am forever searching for what is lacking in my love. Does that make me a selfish loser for undermining the other body's complete and mad affection, albeit exhibited differently?